Why not choose to improve/enhance your health?
Doesn’t everyone struggle with how to know how to stay physically/mentally strong and healthy and fit for life? How do we learn not to over do it, as it may result in crash method dieting, "hours" of cardio and over training, fueled by caffeine supplements/dangerous drinks which advertise as “energy!” only to find one in a state of confusion, frustration, starvation and desperation? [...]
Cranberries Extract and You
Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs that filter blood and remove waste and excess water from your body. Factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure and family history increase the risk of kidney diseases, such as kidney stones, kidney infections cancer and kidney failure. Kidney diseases are often asymptomatic. [...]
What is it about coffee?
Research is showing benefits for everything from depression to liver disease. Is it just the caffeine? Remember when people (and their doctors) used to worry that coffee would harm their hearts, give them ulcers, and make them overly nervous? In excess, coffee, and more particularly, caffeine, can cause problems. [...]