are a pair of bean-shaped organs that filter blood and remove waste and excess
water from your body. Factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure and family
history increase the risk of kidney diseases, such as kidney stones, kidney
infections cancer and kidney failure. Kidney diseases are often asymptomatic.
The treatment could involve medications and surgery. Certain supplements and
natural foods, such as cranberry, could help cleanse the kidneys and ward off
red-black, ripe fruits of the cranberry, or Vaccinium macrocarpon, plant
possess immense medicinal and commercial value. The fruit is a rich source of
antioxidant proanthocyanidins, which help prevent free-radical mediated damage
of various cells and organs. Apart from the fresh fruit and juice, supplements
are also available as capsules and tablets. Your doctor might recommend the
supplements to help treat a variety of conditions, including urinary tract
infections, ulcers, heart disease and certain cancers. The dose may vary,
depending on your age and overall health. Talk to your doctor to find the dose
and form that is right for you.
the Kidneys
juice is a powerful cleanser of the kidneys. It helps remove excess water from
the organs via kidneys and helps break down the fatty tissue in the body, A
study published in the April-June 2010 issue of the “International Journal
Immunopathology and Pharmacology” found that cranberry extracts prevent the
adhesion of bacteria on the epithelial cells of the kidneys, thereby helping
prevent kidney infections. A November 2003 study reported in the journal “BJU
International” states that cranberry juice possesses significant
anti-lithogenic activity and might reduce the risk of kidney
juice contains phytochemicals, which may help prevent cancer and cardiovascular
line cranberry juice is high in oxalate, and has been suggested to increase the
risk for developing kidney stones, although more recent studies have indicated
it may lower the risk.