Why not choose to improve/enhance your health
**Please consult your physician or a licensed dietician before starting a fitness nutrition program
Doesn’t everyone struggle with how to know how to stay physically/mentally strong and healthy and fit for life? How do we learn not to over do it, as it may result in crash method dieting, "hours" of cardio and over training, fueled by caffeine supplements/dangerous drinks which advertise as “energy!” only to find one in a state of confusion, frustration, starvation and desperation? What does my body really need; is it weight loss, building muscle, a different diet or finding natural solutions for what ails it? Is it worth the time and effort to find out? We are all going to die, so why make any effort or sacrifice? I’ll do it tomorrow (This is a favorite one… procrastination!) which reflects our perennial struggle with self-control; as well as our inability to accurately predict how we'll feel tomorrow, or the next day and the day after etc. There are more excuses than solutions! We all desire to enhance our health and well being through diet and exercise because it's simple: your quality of life will significantly improve, as well as a longer life expectancy, reduced mental stress and increased self confidence. If you are a female decreasing your body weight just by 5% can reduce the risk of getting breast cancer by up to 45%. More importantly, how does one lose weight safely and effectively ( obesity is strongly linked to higher mortality rates) while maintaining lean muscle mass increasing strength, resistance, endurance and power? Listed below are just a few qualities of life improvements for overweight individuals as well as non-overweight individuals who want start a health and wellness program because it's not just about
Losing Weight
- Prescription and over the counter medications, allergies and several physical and mental ailments like depression, apathy, lethargy, anxiety, emotional and physical stress, can be eliminated with proper diet and exercise/mediation routines
- The body’s immune system can work at fighting off common colds and flues more effectively
- The chances of contracting /developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart conditions, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, mental illnesses, sleeping disorders, gynecological problems, hypertension and back pains can be significantly decreased
- Ignite the body’s metabolic system by becoming a fat burning machine and produce natural energy through monitoring dieting
- Prevent joint problems, osteoarthritis, arthritis, hip, knee and joint replacements by decreased calcium deposits with weight bearing exercises, strength training, in particular, circuit training which is the fastest and best way to change the body’s composition
Let's begin by identifying some top weapons in the battle of weight loss and self improvement (it is a battle ground out there) to stay healthy, and reach a fitness nutritional goal.
- Belief
- A written plan and course of action, implementing life style changes
- Routine exercise and eating geared toward breaking out of the old habits replacing them with newer and better habits
Time and time again belief has proven to be the strongest predictor of change. And in order to take on a healthy lifestyle one must begin to believe nothing other than it can be done. People may not always believe what you say, but they will believe what you do. Belief takes on the initiative, builds assurance, and relates to things and behaviors. It transforms realities into ultimate, absolute foundational realities. One of the best ways to initiate change is by writing it down which brings it into the physical reality. Fitness and nutrition is about the physical body, but more than ever one needs to be in a determined mental state of mind which harnesses will power, discipline and commitment. It’s not just a day dream (to want to fit into those jeans you always wanted) but a goal with an action plan. So whatever the fitness/nutritional goal may be write it down, structuralize it, commit to it and give it a chance (believe it into existence) to become part of your daily routine, it takes 40 days to change a habit. The more precise detail or time put into it, the better the outcome. Belief is a refuge and flight from reality. It is seized upon as protection, as a guarantee or insurance policy.
When mentioning life style changes, we refer to meals. Portion sizes, frequencies of meals, preparation of proteins and veggies, water intake, time between meals, these factors will make or break your diet because these are all within your control. That's why it is vital to write it down, because the writer/dieter is held accountable and responsible for what happened on that day. Have you ever heard someone say, "I just can't understand why I am not losing weight; I know I am following my diet and exercise routine!” Then when asked, "Well, what did you eat today?" the individual will usually begin with a long pause telling you a mirage of events most likely out of order, giving recognitions of all the healthy good choices and a human tendency to omissions of guilt. At the end of the dirty laundry list, it comes to this; if you want to lose; you need to take in fewer calories than you burn each day, and not just for one day! It's nothing personal, a pound will always equal 2,500 calories, and it requires consistent perseverance to stay on track. It has always been hard work. It’s similar to maintaining/managing a banking account, if you aren't keeping track of what you earn and spend, personal investments/savings, anticipations of how much future costs will be; how can you see the forest through the trees, or maneuver a clear path ahead? Spend more than what you have and you will go out of business.
Dr. Mark Haub (nicknamed the Twinkie Diet Doctor) ate junk food and lost weight. Please note he was on a 1,800 calorie diet. “It’s not necessarily the individual foods, but it’s about how much of those foods we eat. It goes back to the old adage, a calorie is a calorie.” – Dr. Mark Haub.
Take advantage of food and make it work for us not against us, it is the architectural frame work or blueprint for building blocks to building better bodies. One can consume a 210 calorie Hershey chocolate bar or a 211 calorie cup of chicken breast. You know which one is more filling to the stomach and is meeting your nutritional needs. However it's decided, it’s these daily choices adding up to good health and better bodies, it’s up to you to want an average C or aim for straight A’s.
As you begin to journal it’s necessary to know what are the dietary requirements and needs of the human body if we are aiming to build a better body. The health and fitness industry is a trendy revolution convoluted with ever changing concepts, and is not always focused on facts.
Based on information from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, they have classifications of dietary nutrients. There are the six classes of nutrients to address:
- Proteins
- Carbohydrates
- Lipids
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Water
Proteins are necessary in order for the body to function. They are organic
compounds made up of smaller building blocks known as amino acids. Protein is
required by the body for the growth, maintenance and repair of all cells.
Protein is a major component of all muscles, tissues and organs and is vital
for practically every process that occurs within the body such as metabolism,
digestion and the transportation of nutrients and oxygen in the blood.
It is also necessary for the production of antibodies, which fight against
infection and illness, and is the main nutrient that keeps our hair shiny and
healthy, our nails strong, our skin fresh and glowing and our bones strong and
healthy. Right now there are 22 types of amino acid which have been divided
into two groups, the essential and non-essential amino acids.
There are 14 non-essential amino acids. They are termed non-essential as they
can be manufactured by the body and do not have to be derived from food.
The body, on the other hand, cannot produce the remaining 8 essential amino
acids itself, and therefore they must be derived from the food that is eaten.
There are some foods that contain all of the 8 essential amino acids required
to form the new proteins together with the non-essential amino acids. These
foods are called "complete" proteins and tend to come from animal sources of
protein such as meat, dairy products, eggs, fish, shellfish and poultry. Some
prime examples of lean protein choices are unfrozen chicken breast, turkey
breast, top round or bottom round of beef, lean ground beef, egg whites or Egg
Beaters , low-fat Greek yogurt, low-fat 1% cottage cheese and center cut pork
loin. Even legumes, nuts, dairy products like cheese and milk as well as
certain green vegetables meet the requirements to be considered a protein
usually known as “incomplete”, a protein lacking in the “essential amino
acids”. It is definitely a challenge to find “clean” convenient protein choices
when there is a limited amount of time. The majority of convenient foods are
prepared using frozen or over processed with fillers and sodium, to help avoid
ending up with sodium based-protein like deli sliced meats during lunch time,
simply prepare protein grilled or baked ahead of time. When more protein is
consumed than is needed, the human body processes the excess storage at fat;
which can be converted into energy.
Carbohydrates are used for energy and building muscle. The body utilizes saccharides also known as “carbs” to produce glucose which in turn gives you the energy to keep going. In theory, the better quality carbohydrates consumed the better functional energy for the well being of the body including the brain. The types of complex carbohydrates starches that are best for sustaining longer balances in energy levels are brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, fine grain breads like 7 or 9 grain. Look for higher insoluble fiber ratio content. Simple carbohydrates are found in white sugar, candy, pop, jam, desserts, white flour, pastries, cakes and dinner rolls. The energy is a rush and will spike insulin levels faster resulting in irregular blood sugars and irregular heart palpitations. Also, there is substantial evidence that sugar-free products which contain aspartame like diet soda pop drinks have the same effect on the human body, they many not be as safe as they claim and can increase risks for chronic diseases. Those physical feelings of hunger pains sharpen, food cravings become more frequent and intense when higher requirement amounts of simple sugars are being consumed in a daily regimen.
Fat which can be one in the same with a lipid is an essential nutrient which can be used as energy. A lipid covers a very board range of organic molecules that dissolve in organic solvents such as alcohol, ether, or acetone, but are much less soluble in water. Our bodies seem to be very good at making and storing fat in the form of triglycerides, which are the largest category of lipids. Our bodies do not make more fat cells; instead they become larger because fat cells store triglycerides in adipose tissue. There are EFA (essential fatty acids) that our body can not make inside itself and must come from food sources such as omega-6 linoletic or omega-3 alpha linolenic acids. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish (fatty fish i.e. lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon) at least two times a week. They are rich in two types of omega-3’s DHA and EPA. Alpha-linolenic acid is an essential omega-3 fatty acid and has attracted much attention by the heart doctors because it can reduce risk for vascular diseases. It's amazing to note how these increasing health benefits and prevention of diseases are contributed to the use of omega-3 fatty acids.
Take a look at the list below:
- Inflammation: improves rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, and some skin conditions
- Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative colitis: reduces the severity of symptoms
- Renal diseases: preserves renal function in AgA nephropathy, potentially reduces vascular access thrombosis in hemodialysis patients and is cardio protective.
- Mental disorders/diseases: reduces severity of certain conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, depression, bipolar/schizophrenia, ADHD and dyslexia
Now, not all are listed, but it’s a relief to know that "fat" is our ally. When in the past it seemed such a hard concept to accept. It is that combination of too many carbs and fast fats that leads us down that road that is paved with good intentions. You know the question, "Would you like fries with that quarter pounder and a shake?"
The first thing to know about vitamins, they are not an energy source. They play a major role in regulating the chemical reactions that allow us to extract energy from those nutrients such as carbs, proteins and fats. They are naturally occurring in every food group, including fats and oils. So a majority of the bodies needs are being met without taking a supplement. For example, Vitamin D is needed to help your body absorb calcium a (mineral) that builds strong bones and teeth. If you are deficient in vitamin D (which you can get from the sun or supplements) you will be deficient in calcium even though you may be taking a calcium supplement. So here is where it becomes tricky because high doses of some vitamins result in no ill effects, while others can have serious, life long consequences. They are like fat, carbs and proteins in that they are organic compounds essential for normal functioning, growth and maintenance of the body. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) are stored in the liver and adipose tissues and are excreted much slower than water soluble vitamins (the B vitamins and vitamin C).
The list below applies to the general population and are recommendations from The Institute of Medicine and the Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health.
We may be well aware; many vitamins, minerals and hydrolyzed processed whey/soy/ egg proteins are marketed as supplemental “nutrition” products which are compounded and stacked together for more bang for the buck. It is so important to know what you are ingesting and if you have taken too much. Sometimes the conversion chart on the label was accidently lost in translation. When considering this claim, the abbreviation for a milligram could say “ mmg” not "mg". Several companies are converting their metric weight tables to IU or another wise known as “International Units.” Ask your primary care physician what he/she would suggest for daily recommendations.
Minerals can also be categorized as inorganic elements from the earth, such as our soil, rocks, coral and water and are absorbed by plant life and animal life. They are necessary for the health and maintenance of the human body. Calcium can be considered a macro mineral when it is found in the human body at a quantity greater than 5g. A micro mineral is less than 5g and trace mineral is a chemical element the human body needs less than 1g per day. There are over lappings between macro, micro and trace minerals and debates in the classifications between the three. As far as a trace element is concerned, they are minerals required by a typical human body in quantities of less than 1mg per day. Fluorine, Iodine, Cobalt, Molybdenum and Silcon are examples of trace elements. Minerals will always be essential for vital metabolic processes such as nerve function, blood clotting and muscle contraction.
Drink water! Water is vital to your body, 2/3 of the human body is made up of water. 90% of the brain is water, blood consists of 83% H2O, the muscles add up to 75%, and bones are 22%. The benefits of water are endless. Some important jobs water does are listed below.
- Transports nutrients and oxygen into cells
- Moisturizes the air in lungs
- Helps with metabolism
- Protects our vital organs
- Helps our organs to absorb nutrients better
- Regulates body temperature
- Detoxifies
- Protects and moisturizes our joints
Drinking water is the number one aid in helping weight loss because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown. Drinking water reduces hunger; it’s an effective appetite suppressant with no side effects. (Although it can happen, but it’s a fairly difficult task to overdose with water; first of all, it’s a lot of work. A normal healthy adult who is exercising regularly and trying to lose some extra weight can drink up to a gallon an a half of water a day. If one is thinking of drinking more, consult your doctor for advice. The benefits of water out-weight by far the adverse effects of “ too much water”.
In relation to the digestive system, some studies show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer. Water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with bladder lining. It also is a natural remedy for migraines, back problems, depression, menstrual cramps, kidney problems, dry skin, irregular blood pressure, weight gain due to sodium retention, tiredness, constipation, mental alertness and concentration caused by dehydration; and improves the condition of our hair and nails! Water is the closest thing to the fountain of youth for skin. It is the best nutrient for hydrating your skin and keeping the body looking, feeling, and staying young longer.
Drinking water can increase your cognitive and brain’s ability. Your brain needs a lot of oxygen in order to function at optimum levels. Drinking plenty of water ensures that your brain gets all the oxygen it needs. Drinking eight to ten cups of water per day can improve your levels of cognitive performance by as much as 30%!
Water also supports the nervous system and maintains nerve function. It ensures the body's electrolyte levels remain high; so the nerves can relay messages to and from the brain in the way they are meant to communicate.
So let’s begin on how to keep on this ever changing journey of health/nutrition/fitness. Establishing a system or method that works best for you is a great start. The newly renamed Daily Burn (formerly Gyminee) has developed a calorie counting iPhone App, called Food Scanner, which lets you scan barcodes on packaged food products to keep track of your daily intake. This is a great method for “on the go” and “need to know”. It is strongly recommended putting a pen to the paper. There is a real responsibility involved within this practice. One should not just journal about caloric intake, but about how it felt or your thoughts during the course of the day and what non-food goals were accomplished. Document and record what worked for you or against you, what time you woke up, what time you ate, if you ate before or after your workout. You can even include your exercises, your heart rate, calories burned and if you enjoyed it or not.
http://caloriecount.about.com , www.choosemyplate.gov, WebMd.com can calculate a person’s calories per day. The calorie calculation is based on age, weight, height, gender, and activity. The following is for display and education purposes only. There are endless varieties of diet suggestions to follow. The USDA recommends 2,000 calories diet for an average person. To figure out exactly how many calories a person needs to lose fat, expert Susan K Line’s book, Power Eat, concluded that an intake of 35 to 38 calories per kilogram of body weight a day is reasonable for fat loss and muscle preservation for the average active person. For a person 180 pound (82 Kilograms) person, here’s how to figure calories requirements to lose fat: 82 Kilograms X 35 Calories/kilogram = 2,870 Calories. For maintaining body weight, the person should eat up to 44 calories per kilogram of body weight a day or 3,608 Calories a day.
Food caloric expenditures
Fat 1 gram = 9 calories
Protein 1 gram = 4 calories
Carbohydrates 1 gram = 4 calories
Alcohol 1 gram = 7 calories
Protein requirements/suggestions
Weight loss: 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight a day, 15-20 percent of daily intake.
Maintenance is: 1.2 to 1.3 Grams per kilogram of body weight a day.
Carbohydrate requirements/suggestions (bread, oats, legumes, green veggies, and fruit)
Calculate carbohydrates at 8 to 10 grams per kilogram of body weight a day. The Carbohydrates should be 65% for total daily calories.
Fat suggestions
Basically the remaining calories will be 16 to 20 percent of total calories. Fat sources should be predominantly monounsaturated and poly unsaturated (omega-9 fatty acid, omega-6 fatty acid, omega-3 fatty acid). Saturated fat doesn’t seem to do anyone any favors.
Fluid Intake/suggestions
Drink a quart of fluid for every 1,000 calories of food eaten. Consume more in hot, humid weather or at high altitude. If flavoring increases palatability, then flavored drinks should be used. There are varieties of low calorie or no calorie flavored drinks to choose from. Limit Calories to 5 or less total calories per 12 oz if flavored drinks are preferred.
In order to maintain excellent health and feelings of well being and keep the metabolism fired up, work up to at least 45 minutes of cardio exercise a day. Cardio can be as simple as power walking. Start small at 25 minutes a day and work up. Cardio is very effective when done in short bursts of 20 minutes in the morning before breakfast, and 20 minutes before dinner. Remember to chart your progress, studies show that people perform better and have better test scores and results when progress is recorded and accounted for.
Just starting small with journal entries and making changes in increments will not seem all that difficult. One way to start is by setting goals for the day, then the week, and finally for the month.
Eating small frequent meals still aids in promoting calorie burning versus fat storage. Five to six meals a day with 20-25 grams of protein works best. Protein still stands as the key macronutrient in weight loss. It promotes feelings of satiety and suppresses food intake at the next meal time!